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  • Writer's pictureChelsea Brotherton

Earthen Pleasures: A Sestina

Toes reach for a peek into the creeping water,

They squirm and you squeal, water a washing warm.

The waves are rumbling, calling, longing for you.

Rush in to meet them, jump and float in joy.

Let the salt pour into you and your lips smile.

Laugh at the overwhelming power of waves and wonder.

You awake full of confusion and wonder,

Your dehydrated body thirsts for water.

Wetness fills your mouth, and swallowing, you smile

Quenched, you sneak back into bed, warm.

You find sleep as a constant comfort and joy,

In dreams waves are always overpowering you.

Life in plants has always astounded you,

The growth of seed-sprout-plant is a wonder.

You carefully tend each babe with joy

And rain upon them a sprinkle of water.

They are grateful, watered and sun-warm,

They reach toward the rays and their flowers smile.

The smallest glance can make you smile,

Each giggle bellows a fiery  love in you.

Through the cold, his gaze is warm-

The golden streaks of his eyes are a wonder.

The blue of them the depths of fresh lake water,

The thought of a midnight dip in that lake a joy.

Fresh breezes imbibe in you fresh joy,

The familiar gull-calling leaves you with a smile.

The sanderlings dash about, just out of reach of the water,

Their small heads bobbing and cawing are a gift to you.

The gulls float freely, not sky-rats, but bodies of wonder,

And the depth of their freedom keeps you warm.

Soft earth is a texture most warm,

And the musky crunch of it a heaven of joy.

The teeming life of our soil is a continuous wonder;

The newly hatched green anole gives you a smile,

The baby opossum runs scared from you,

And the street cat yowls your way for water.

Life is a wonder best kept warm

And well watered. Harvest the joy

Of your smile, and rejoice as the earth provides for you.

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