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  • Writer's pictureChelsea Brotherton


Staring through yourself

Into the mirror, you wonder –

What atrocious act you’ve committed

To deserve this young, but sagging body;

This too-round face and dirty

Brown eyes glaring back

In hollow ambiguity.

Your hip bones are indiscernible,

Your belly quivers in a bread dough

Jiggle of overindulgence and hidden shame.

Your man hands reach backside, once thought sexy,

Now understood as imperfect and oblong.

But her, wow. Just look. She’s radiant;

Her smile a washing warmth,

Her swagger a soft swishy sashay.

Her breasts, perfectly capped with cold

and bobbing unencumbered.

Her backside a mesmerizing pendulum.

As she walks, she casts a numbness over

Senses and eye-movement. You are caught

In her gaze, her ass, her sensual sway.

You think of her in the mirror,

Hands careening over those worshipped bits.

She is a goddess of confidence, clueless.

But, she is you, is she not?

Little do you know her obsessions

Over cheek dimples and roll overs.

When she sits she fidgets with shirt lengths

And riding shorts, worries about thigh

Dimples And perky-enough-breasts.

She sweats internally from her too-fucking-early

Sexualized childhood, which convinces her

That life is some sort of overdrawn porn;

That she must be sexy, and it’s her only

Redeeming quality- her ability to harden

Certain male appendages.

But if you only knew that each Earthbound goddess

That struts past you spends hours in scrutiny

Strutting past demon mirrors of her own.

And that you’re all god loved goddesses,

If you could only see your pillows of flesh as

Intentionally placed comfort for men and babes alike,

And find comfort in your own unique humanity-

That which makes you you.

If you could only see how others see you

In your laughter and untamed silliness.

You would know that to someone,

You are the confident goddess who rules the world.

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